This week is Social Work Week in Ontario, which honours social work professionals for their contributions.

At the WRDSB, we are celebrating and recognizing the tremendous work of our social work department. More than ever, this group of 27, highly skilled mental health professionals have shown great resilience, compassion and commitment to their work with our students, families, educators and our community. We honour their dedication during this unprecedented time and hold them in high regard for their willingness to continue being the β€œcalm in the storm.”

Our social work department continues to support students throughout the school year and provide care for our most vulnerable students during the summer months. Social workers are often tasked with working with very complex situations and are often called on to support crisis interventions. Furthermore, each social worker is embedded within our school system and provides support to students from JK to 12. Social workers all work from a strength-based, trauma-informed and culturally relevant lens which contributes to the overall well-being of the students and families they serve.

During this month, we encourage our staff to reach out and recognize the incredible work of this department. Social workers help create conditions that allow our students to grow and help lay the foundation for our students to flourish.

Social Work Week - Hands Making Heart