Happy Monday, Cool Cat Families,

I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. We are excited for another great week at Coronation.

Highlights From Last Week

Last week in many of our Grade 1 and 2 classes, students listened to the story, “Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox”, written and illustrated by Danielle Daniel. Students learned about Indigenous Totems and then created their own Totem Animal Mask.

In Mrs Berry’s class students are exploring Canadians’ ancestors and how they settled in Canada. What prompted them to come to Canada and how they interacted with the communities of people, both Indigenous Peoples and immigrants already living in what is now called Canada.They will continue their learning as they explore the push and pull factors influencing individuals to leave their homes or move to another country.

In Mrs Zettel-Lindner’s class students explored Chatterpix, an application that allows you to animate anything from your pet to a doodle you’ve drawn.

On Friday we had our first Spirit Assembly followed by our Terry Fox Run. Our Spirit Assembly was run by our Leadership Committee and taught us about this month’s trait of Gratitude. Thank you to everyone who supported our Terry Fox Run. Coronation raised a whopping $744.85 for Cancer Research!

Messages from the Office


Extended Day Students & Early Pickups

If you have a child that attends Extended Day after school please make note of the following information:

If you are picking up your child at the end of the school day and wish for them NOT to attend Extended Day, you must sign them out from Extended Day.

Please do not pick up your child after school from their class lineup without walking over to our Extended Day area (formerly fenced playground area on primary tarmac) to let them know you have picked up your child. Thank you for your cooperation.


Important Forms

Just a reminder that the following forms are due today:

– Data Verification Forms

– Plans of Care (for those applicable)

– Media Release Consent Form

– Responsible Use Policy Form

-Concussion Code of Conduct Form

Data Verification and Plans of Care are paper copies that require you to return them to the main office.

The remaining forms can be found on School-Day, under School Items, Forms and can be completed online.

Instructions on how to complete the forms can be found on https://www.wrdsb.ca/our-schools/using-school-day/ at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yG7KWYgz79LWs08osQWFf_SstR6BV1Rw/view

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the main office.


October 11th PD Day

Friday, October 11, 2024, is a professional development (PD) day for elementary and secondary school staff.

Students will not attend school, in person or virtually

All board-operated Extended Day and Youth Development programs will be closed

PD days are held throughout the school year to provide learning opportunities for school-based staff. This professional learning focuses on providing educators and staff with the knowledge and skills needed to support and enhance student achievement and well being.

Read more about what staff will be learning: Professional Development for School Staff


Chocolate Bar Fundraiser

Our chocolate bar fundraiser is right around the corner. Opt out letters will be coming home this week. If you do not want to participate, please return the form indicating you DO NOT want to receive a box of chocolates.

All other students will receive a box of chocolate on October 9th. Students who sell their entire box and would like a second box to sell are welcome to return their empty box and money at any time during the fundraiser.

Our Fundraiser ends at the end of October. All unsold chocolate bars and money must be returned to Coronation by October 30th.

More information will be coming home shortly.


Coronation’s Battery Blitz

Coronation is doing our part to help the environment. Don’t throw out used batteries, recycle them! The top Ontario schools collecting the most batteries (by weight) win a cash prize!

Here is how to help:

From September 30th-October 31st

Collect: don’t throw out your used batteries, collect in a non-metal or glass container

Protect: cover the terminals with electrical, duct or packing tape

Drop off: bring to school to be collected in the boxes provided.


Parents for Children’s Mental Health Webinars


Parents for Children’s Mental Health is hosting webinars for families. Registration is free and it is hosted from 7pm-8pm. Please follow the link for more information



Emergency Drills at Coronation

Every school year we are responsible for practising our emergency procedures in the event of a fire, tornado, or other emergency.

On separate days last week, Coronation had a fire drill as well as a lockdown drill.

We have completed our drills for the beginning of the school year.

Our next drill is a fire drill and will occur on November 4th.

I will continue to add these dates in my correspondence with families.

Spirit Wear

Our Spirit Wear store has closed. Orders will be sent to Coronation once they have been printed and sent home with students when they arrive. We will send a School Day message to families to let you know when they are being sent home.


Are you interested in helping with Pizza Days? We are looking for 2 volunteers to join us at Coronation on Wednesday’s from 1:00 – 2:00 PM to help with Pizza Days. The responsibilities include sorting pre-labelled pizza boxes dropped off by Dominos, into classes and distributing them to our grade 5 and 6 pizza helpers who will deliver the pizza.

If you are able to support this on a permanent or temporary basis, please reach out to the main office.

Upcoming Dates

October is Islamic Heritage Month, 2SLGBTQIA+ History Month, Women’s History Month, Learning Disabilities Awareness Month, Latin American Heritage Month, German Heritage Month and Canadian Library Month

2 October National Custodial Workers Recognition Day

2 – 4 October Rosh Hashanah

2 – 4 October Sharad Navaratri

4 October National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

4 October World Smile Day

5 October World Teachers’ Day

9 October School Council 6:00 – 7:30 PM Coronation Gym

10 October World Mental Health Day

10 October Islamic Heritage Day

11 October PD Day – No School for Students

11 October International Day of the Girl

11 – 12 Oct Yom Kippur

14 October Thanksgiving (No School

16 -23 Oct Sukkot

16 October World Food Day

16 October International Pronouns Day

18 October Picture Day

18 October Library Workers Day

20 – 26 Oct Canadian Down Syndrome Week

21 – 25 Oct Waste Reduction Week

21 – 25 Oct National School Bus Safety Week

21 – 25 Oct Media Literacy Week

23 October Take Me Outside Day

23 October School Bus Driver Appreciation Day

23 – 24 Oct Shemini Atzeret

24 – 25 Oct Simchat Torah

24 October Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day

25 October Spirit Assembly

25 October Room 7 – Focus on Nature Workshop

31 October Halloween

31 October Diwali

31 October Samhain


If you aren’t already, please follow us on social media @corwrdsb on Instagram.

And don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


Ms Jenni-Rebecca Baer (she/they)



Mrs. Raegan White

