Happy Monday, Cool Cat Families,



We are ready for another fantastic week at Coronation. Don’t forget, this Friday is a PD Day for students.

Please refer to the following message from the WRDSB:

October 11th PD Day

Friday, October 11, 2024, is a professional development (PD) day for elementary and secondary school staff.

Students will not attend school, in person or virtually

All board-operated Extended Day and Youth Development programs will be closed

PD days are held throughout the school year to provide learning opportunities for school-based staff. This professional learning focuses on providing educators and staff with the knowledge and skills needed to support and enhance student achievement and well being.

Read more about what staff will be learning: Professional Development for School Staff

Messages from the Office

Did You Know Coronation is a MAAP Priority School?

The Ministry of Education has identified Coronation as a Priority School. This allows us to receive direct additional support in Junior Math Instruction and Special Education.

Together, we are learning more about the WRDSB Tiered Support Model and how to implement High-Impact Instructional Strategies to ensure that all learners’ needs are being met in our classrooms.

We are also examining the WRDSB Essential Key Concepts in Mathematics and exploring ways to revisit these topics throughout the school year. WRDSB Math Facilitator Athens Gotsaridis is currently working with Ms Berry, Ms Koch, and their classes.

To learn more check out https://www.wrdsb.ca/learning/programs/math-action-plan/

Nutrition Breaks at Coronation

All students in grade 1 – 6 have two Nutrition Breaks each day. Our breaks start with 20 minutes inside to eat, followed by 20 minutes outside. Our Kindergarten students follow the same time for eating, but have Outdoor Learning when our older students are inside learning.

We are seeing many more activities and games happening during nutrition break time at Coronation. At each exit we have bins with basketballs, soccer balls, skipping ropes, sidewalk chalk, footballs, pylons and cricket sets (juniors) for students to use at Nutrition Breaks.

We encourage students to leave personal items such as toys and sports equipment at home. We can not be responsible for lost or damaged items.

Curious About Our Nutrition Break Expectations?

All students follow the same expectations outside at nutrition break. They are posted in our classrooms as a helpful reminder.

Be respectful, responsible and do the right thing

Dress appropriately for the weather

If you bring equipment outside, you are responsible to bring it back in

Grade 1, 2, 3 on Primary Campus

Grade 4, 5, 6, on Junior Campus

(we do have an area open for both groups)

Snow pants and outdoor footwear are required to slide/ play on snow hills in the Winter

Stay out of Lake Coronation

Ask the adult on duty for permission to go into the school for any reason

When the first bell rings, line up at your designated spot and wait for your educator

Bicycles, scooters and other wheeled items must be walked to and from school and left in the outside racks

When conflicts or challenges happen outside, students should look for an adult on supervision. There are no fewer than five adults on supervision each break and we all wear bright, colourful safety vests for easy identification.

Our staff on supervision are there to help students resolve challenges or conflicts, to ensure students are playing safety and kindly as well as following our Nutrition Break Expectations. They are there to respond to student injuries, encourage fair play and communicate with the office any concerns.

After our signage was posted last Spring, we have seen a noticeable decrease in community members using our property as a pass through during the school day.

Coronation will be offering Booster Juice Smoothies beginning in November

All Booster Juice smoothies contain less than 0.3 grams of fat, are nut free, sodium-free, and have no added sugar.

Dairy Free options will be available

Each smoothie contains two servings of all-natural fruit, providing students with

2/3 of their recommended daily intake of fruit.

Examples of Booster Juice flavour options are:

Strawberry Sunshine – Strawberries, bananas, passion-orange-guava juice and yogurt

Very Berry – Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberry juice and yogurt

Mango Hurricane – Mangoes, strawberries, passion-orange-guava juice and yogurt

Pineapple Freeze – Strawberries, bananas, pineapple, pineapple juice and frozen yogurt

Tropi-Kale – Bananas, mangoes, kale, apple juice, and pineapple juice

Tropical Tornado – Bananas, strawberries, mangoes, pineapple juice, yogurt.

Please watch School Day for further information about ordering

EQAO Results

Students in grade 4 and 7 who wrote EQAO last year at Coronation will be receiving their individual results shortly. Students in grade 7 will have their results mailed to their current school. Grade 4 students at Coronation will receive an envelope to bring home.

Nut Free School

Please remember that Coronation and its property are Nut Free. Please refrain from sending or bringing nut and/or nut products to Coronation. This includes products such as WOW Butter. Thank you for your understanding.

Chocolate Bar Fundraiser

It’s starting on Wednesday. All students who did not return an “opt out” letter will be coming home with a box of chocolate on Wednesday, October 9th.

Students who sell their entire box and would like a second box to sell are welcome to return their empty box and money at any time during the fundraiser.

Don’t forget, our fundraiser ends at the end of October. All unsold chocolate bars and money must be returned to Coronation by October 30th.

Coronation’s Battery Blitz

Coronation is doing our part to help the environment. Don’t throw out used batteries, recycle them! The top Ontario schools collecting the most batteries (by weight) win a cash prize!

Here is how to help:

From September 30th-October 31st

Collect: don’t throw out your used batteries, collect in a non-metal or glass container

Protect: cover the terminals with electrical, duct or packing tape

Drop off: bring to school to be collected in the boxes provided.

School Council

This Wednesday is our first School Council meeting of the 2024/2025 School Year.

Please join us in the Coronation Library where we will introduce our intentions for the year, share the Admin Report and Educator Report, detailing the things occurring throughout the building, and open the floor to ideas and questions. We will be accepting any nominations for Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary at this meeting as well.

Upcoming Dates

9 October Pizza Day

9 October School Council 6:00 – 7:30 PM Coronation Library

10 October World Mental Health Day

10 October Islamic Heritage Day

11 October PD Day – No School for Students

11 October International Day of the Girl

11 – 12 Oct Yom Kippur

14 October Thanksgiving (No School)

15 October – Focus on Nature Field Trip 5/6A

15 October IEPs and EPPs go home

16 October Pizza Day

16 -23 Oct Sukkot

16 October World Food Day

16 October International Pronouns Day

18 October Picture Day

18 October Library Workers Day

20 – 26 Oct Canadian Down Syndrome Week

21 – 25 Oct Waste Reduction Week

21 – 25 Oct National School Bus Safety Week

21 – 25 Oct Media Literacy Week

23 October Pizza Day

23 October Take Me Outside Day

23 October School Bus Driver Appreciation Day

23 – 24 Oct Shemini Atzeret

24 – 25 Oct Simchat Torah

24 October Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day

25 October – Focus on Nature Field Trip 6A

25 October Spirit Assembly & Backwards Day

25 October Room 7 – Focus on Nature Workshop

30 October Pizza Day

31 October Diwali

31 October Samhain

31 October Halloween

– students are welcome to wear costumes on Halloween but please keep these guidelines in mind :

Costumes should not cover students’ faces

Costumes should not portray violence or mature themes

Costumes should not include weapons

Costumes should not appropriate another’s culture, race, religion, etc.

Please ensure your child is able to change in and out of their costume on their own

If you aren’t already, please follow us on social media @corwrdsb on Instagram.

And don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Ms Jenni-Rebecca Baer (she/they)



Mrs. Raegan White

