Happy Tuesday, Cool Cat Families,

I hope you enjoyed a wonderful long Thanksgiving weekend and that it was filled with cherished moments with loved ones.

I would like to begin by welcoming a new educator to Coronation. I would like to welcome Mrs Amanda Boynton to the role of Kindergarten teacher in K1. Amanda joins us from a role as an ACE Classroom educator at Westheights Public School.

Mrs Boynton will be continuing the great work started by Mrs Alana Thoman. The long term occasional position held by Mrs Thoman will be coming to an end this Friday. We are very grateful to Mrs Thoman for her dedication to Coronation students and our community as a whole and look forward to seeing her at Coronation in the role of Occasional Teacher

School Council

Last week Coronation’s School Council met for the first time this school year.

Thank you to the parents and guardians who joined us last Wednesday at 6 PM in the library. We met to discuss our goals as a council this year and to set dates for upcoming events at Coronation.

Please save the School Council event dates for our upcoming events:

Further details will be shared closer to the event dates.

November 22 – Family Movie Night

December 19 – Holiday Store

February 14 – Heart to Heart Boogie Woogie Dance Fundraiser

April 11 – Family Movie Night

(Sometime during the week of) June 16 – 20 – Fun Fair

School Council is looking for volunteers. Please take a moment to complete the following quick survey. The information collected in this survey will be shared with our School Council members. School Council Survey Click Here


Classroom educators will be reaching out to families of students who have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). IEPs will be coming home to families early this week.

If you have any questions about your child’s IEP, please reach out to your child’s educator.

Picture Day

This Friday is Picture Day. If your child is absent on Picture Day, we will be scheduling a retake date and will share this information when it becomes available.

Families are not required to send money or photo forms to school.

All students in attendance will have their picture taken. Shortly after Picture Day, families will receive proofs of their child’s pictures and information on how to purchase copies.

Class photos are done as a composite photo, created using each student’s individual photo. All students, whether they have purchased personal photos, will receive a composite photo of their class.

A Message from the WRDSB SEA Assistive Technology Team

Families and Caregivers: Are you looking for ways to support your child conduct research at home?

The Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) SEA Assistive Technology Team is here to help you. In October and November 2024, they are offering a three-part learning series on digital tools that your child can use at home to conduct research.

Assistive Technology Tools for Families/Caregivers

A Three-part Learning Series

 Part One: Reading and Simplifying

Learn about Read&Write tools that can help your child with reading and simplifying websites at home.

Monday, October 28, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Join the Google Meet)

– Part Two: Gathering and Organizing

Learn about Read&Write tools that can help your child collect information from different websites and organize it in a Google Doc.

Friday, October 18, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Join the Google Meet)

Thursday, November 7, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Join the Google Meet)https://meet.google.com/njg-tvem-tkd

– Part Three: Presenting and Studying

Learn about Read&Write tools that can help your child prepare for tests and presentations.

Wednesday, October 23, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Join the Google Meet)

Tuesday, November 12, from 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. (Join the Google Meet)

How to Attend – No registration is required. Simply join a Google Meet at the appropriate time to join the session you would like to attend.

Chocolate Bar Fundraiser

Our chocolate bar fundraiser is off to a successful start!

For students who have sold their entire box, please return the $100 raised to Coronation’s Main Office.

Students who would like to sell a second box and have returned the money from their first box are welcome to request a second box.

Our fundraiser ends at the end of October. All unsold chocolate bars and all money collected must be returned to Coronation by October 30th.

Coronation’s Battery Blitz

Coronation is doing our part to help the environment. Don’t throw out used batteries, recycle them! The top Ontario schools collecting the most batteries (by weight) win a cash prize!

Here is how to help:

From September 30th-October 31st

Collect: don’t throw out your used batteries, collect in a non-metal or glass container

Protect: cover the terminals with electrical, duct or packing tape

Drop off: bring to school to be collected in the boxes provided.

Upcoming Dates

14 October Thanksgiving (No School)

15 October Room 6 – Focus on Nature Workshop

15 October IEPs and EPPs go home

16 October Pizza Day

16 -23 Oct Sukkot

16 October World Food Day

16 October International Pronouns Day

18 October Picture Day

18 October Library Workers Day

20 – 26 Oct Canadian Down Syndrome Week

21 – 25 Oct Waste Reduction Week

21 – 25 Oct National School Bus Safety Week

21 – 25 Oct Media Literacy Week

23 October Pizza Day

23 October Take Me Outside Day

23 October School Bus Driver Appreciation Day

23 – 24 Oct Shemini Atzeret

24 – 25 Oct Simchat Torah

24 October Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day

25 October Spirit Assembly & Backwards Day

25 October Room 7 – Focus on Nature Workshop

30 October Pizza Day

31 October Halloween (students are welcome to wear costumes that do not impede their ability to learn or travel safely throughout the school building)

31 October Diwali

31 October Samhain

If you aren’t already, please follow us on social media @corwrdsb on Instagram.

And don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Ms Jenni-Rebecca Baer (she/they)



Mrs. Raegan White (she/her)

