Happy Monday, Cool Cat Families,

I hope that you had a wonderful weekend.

We had a great week last week. Thank you to those who were able to join us to share food and join as a community last Wednesday at our Cool Cat Open House.

For those of you who were unable to attend or those who may have missed it, we have a large mural entitled “From our Families with Love” This mural is intended for the parents, guardians, and family members of our Cool Cats to write messages of encouragement and love. Our plan is to hang up the mural in our hallway for students to view.

If you didn’t have an opportunity to add your message to our mural, please speak to us at the main office.

Highlights From Last Week

On Tuesday last week we had a visit from The Saidat Show. Saidat and DJ KZ reminded us how “Spreading Kindness and Respect Cause a Ripple Effect”.

In Mrs St George’s, Mrs Jenkyn, and Mrs Abid’s Kindergarten class, students are exploring fine motor activities with small spongy spheres. This type of activity is important to help strengthen the muscles in the hand, fingers and thumb as students begin to practice gripping and writing with a pencil.

In Mrs Berg’s class, the students are beginning to “set the stage” to get ready for small group instruction in math.  These routines are vital and support students to demonstrate independence and perseverance when faced with challenges in their learning.

Mrs Marie’s class has been exploring “the Learning Pit” The learning pit acknowledges that learning is hard. Thinking about the challenge of learning and exploring the learning pit helps students to be more comfortable with challenge; to develop problem solving strategies; and to articulate their learning.

On Friday, Our grade 6 educators met with the Math Facilitator, Mrs G, to explore a learning pit activity they will be exploring with their classes this coming week.

Important Messages from the Office

Forms to be Completed

As part of the school year start-up, parents and caregivers are asked to review information for the upcoming school year.

To support your student’s safety, we ask that you review the data verification form that your student(s) brought home on Friday The information on the form is generated from our student information system and requires your signature to confirm your student’s personal information is up to date and accurate, this includes contact and emergency contact information. If any information changes during the year, please notify your school office.

Please see the following letter https://www.school-day.com/pg/file/view/2969356 in regards to definitions when completing the data verification form.

Please also note when reviewing contacts the school typically communicates with contact 1 and two. Remember contacts are for emergency pickups.

Please ensure you have reviewed the information, made appropriate changes, signed the bottom of the form and returned it to the school by September 30th 2024.

There are additional forms that require acknowledgement if not already completed. These forms can be found on School-Day, under School Items, Forms. They include:

https://school-day.app/#!/forms/2888354 (Media Release Consent Form)

https://school-day.app/#!/forms/2888354 (Responsible Use Policy)

https://school-day.app/#!/forms/2888355 (Concussion Code of Conduct)

Instructions on how to complete the forms can be found on https://www.wrdsb.ca/our-schools/using-school-day/ at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yG7KWYgz79LWs08osQWFf_SstR6BV1Rw/view

Your child will also have brought home an optional student insurance form in the case you wish to purchase optional insurance for your child as WRDSB does not provide accidental insurance in case of an accident during school activities including extracurricular sports. There is also a letter to complete and sign to acknowledge that you have been made aware and understand that the board does not provide accident insurance.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the main office.

Chocolate Bar Fundraiser

It is almost time for our chocolate bar fundraiser. Coming Up in October we will be selling World’s Finest chocolate bars. Please watch out on School Day for more information.

Hot Lunch Survey Results

Thank you for your feedback regarding our Hot Lunch survey. We have learned that you are interested in more opportunities to purchase lunch and snack items here at school.

We will begin with our pizza lunch, expanding the availability to be weekly, beginning October 9th.

We will share additional options for hot lunch and snacks in the coming weeks.

PAWS Awards

PAWS Awards begin this week at Coronation. Educators may hand out a “PAWS” Award to students making “PAWS-ative” choices and for demonstrating Coronation’s values of Being Respectful, Being Responsible, and/or Doing the Right Thing.

Each Friday, PAWS Award Winners will be drawn randomly from our box of recipients and get to pick a small prize.

Spirit Wear

Cool Cat Spirit Wear is on sale for one more week. https://teamandspiritwear.com/CORONATION/shop/home

Our Spirit Wear store will be open until September 29th. All orders will be processed after the store closes on the 29th. If your family would like financial assistance in purchasing Spirit Wear, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the office.


Are you interested in helping with Pizza Days? We are looking for 2 volunteers to join us at Coronation on Wednesday’s from 1:00 – 2:00 PM to help with Pizza Days. The responsibilities include sorting pre-labelled pizza boxes dropped off by Dominos, into classes and distributing them to our grade 5 and 6 pizza helpers who will deliver the pizza.

If you are able to support this on a permanent or temporary basis, please reach out to the main office.

Upcoming Dates

23 – 29 September International Week of the Deaf

23 September International Day of Sign Languages

21 September International Day of Peace

23 – 27 September Truth and Reconciliation Week

25 September Rowan’s Law Day

27 September Monthly Spirit Assembly

27 September Terry Fox School Run

29 September Police and Peace Officers’ National Memorial Day

30 September Orange Shirt Day

30 September National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Future Dates to Remember

9 October School Council 6:00 – 7:30 PM

18 October Photo Day

If you aren’t already, please follow us on social media @corwrdsb on Instagram.

And don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Ms Jenni-Rebecca Baer (she/they)



Mrs. Raegan White

